This Headline is set in Meta Pro Book

The multi-color sIFR v.20060623 [.ZIP 36KB] currently supports <a> (also in the official version), <strong>, <em> and <span> elements1. There are also a few usability improvements2.

For general info about how to use sIFR, please refer to sIFR wiki.

Multi-color sFIR implementation is easy – just add sEmColor:"#FF4400", sStrongColor:"#FF0000" and sSpanColor:"#EE6600" into you named argument call function at the bottom of the .html file and if the script finds a <strong>, <em> or <span> elements, each one will be colored3. And they can be nested, too.

  1. Don’t try to position the elements inside the replaced element with CSS, as it might give you unexpected results.
    Attributes like class, title etc. will do no harm.
  2. While the mouse pointer is over, take a look at the Status Bar. Also try SHIFT/CONTROL + click
  3. You will, of course, have to re-export your .swf files and replace the old sifr.js with a new version.